The Little Things We Take for Granted

“One person can make a difference. In fact, it’s not only possible for one person to make a difference, it’s essential that one person makes a difference. And believe it or not, that person is you.” – Bob Riley

What things do you take for granted every day? Things that may seem so commonplace, you’ve almost forgotten their importance or maybe even their existence. You simply expect certain items to be available to you no matter what happens—hygienic items like deodorant, toothpaste, and shampoo. After all, what’s fifteen or even twenty dollars? For some families, fifteen or twenty dollars could be all the grocery money they have for the week.

As heart-breaking as it sounds, many people right here in America do not have access to necessities that accompany most everyone’s daily routine. And this need isn’t limited to just the homeless. Sometimes it’s hard to see poverty unless we’re willing to take a closer look and start a conversation—a conversation that leads to change.

Recently, a young woman named Ella Jane Hoffmaster of Booker T. Washington Highschool in Pensacola, FL, decided to look a little closer at the needs surrounding her at school. What began as a project for student government—paid for with her own Christmas money—turned into something much bigger. Called “The Kindness Corner,” she was given a few shelves in the corner of her classroom dedicated to store basic hygiene items like toothpaste, feminine items, shampoo, and toothbrushes. Even her classmates caught on and began donating items as well. She couldn’t believe how quickly her kindness movement had gained momentum.

The unassuming shelves filled with necessities may have seemed insignificant to most people, but they meant the world to so many kids in need at Booker T. Washington Highschool. Some of her fellow highschoolers’ parents had lost jobs, so money had been tight for them.

“If the Lord blessed me to be able to help others, I want to do that,” Hoffmaster poignantly commented during her interview. We would all do well to learn from her example.

To read more about Ella Jane Hoffmaster and “The Kindness Corner” in Sue Straughn’s story, click here.


We, at Sheltering Grace, are passionate about helping homeless mothers and babies end the devastating cycle of homelessness. Please contact us at 678-337-7858 to learn how you can help. Your one act of kindness can make all the difference to mothers and babies in need.


Sheltering Grace Ministry, Ltd. is a 501(c)3 Ltd. non-profit ministry. We resolve the initial crisis of homelessness by providing mothers with a safe place to live during pregnancy. We also equip them with the tools they need to improve decision-making, enhance employment options, and increase family income to act responsibly as the head of their household. All of our services develop their self-reliance to progress to permanent independent living. Please join us in renewing and rebuilding the lives of these brave women – #Be1of5000.

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SGM Ladies Day Out!

Saturday, November 4th

Piedmont Church
Marietta, GA


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