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Support the needs of Homeless Pregnant Women and infants
Will you #Be1of5000 Partners to help us help homeless pregnant women and infants?
Give back to your community
Partnering with Sheltering Grace Ministry means more than a tax write-off. It means that you are planting the seeds for the future of the present and future generations. Your commitment allows us to educate young women on how they might make different choices in life and in the lives of the young ones they bring into the world.
Furthermore, you are giving these young women hope. These women often feel as though the world has turned its back on them. More often than not, Sheltering Grace is their last hope.
Each week, we have to turn qualified young women away, simply because we don’t have the resources to care for them. Your partnership could mean, simply, that one more mother and child could be sheltered and cared for.

How We've Helped
I have visited this facility a few times and i think it is a beautiful, well maintained and well managed place. It is a blessing for those in need of comfort, direction and support during pregnancy.

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