Secret Santa Gives $12K to Healthcare Workers at Nursing Home

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”  – Winston Churchill

 For many years, an anonymous Secret Santa has been known for handing out $100 bills during the holiday season around Kansas City and occasionally other parts of the U.S. People know is that this person is a businessman who gives hundreds of thousands of dollars away each year as a way to spread kindness to those around him.

As 2020 comes to a close, he recognized that spreading kindness was more important than ever, and knew that pandemic challenges would prevent him from his “normal” routine of giving. But when he saw a sign at a local nursing home that said “Heroes Work Here,” he immediately saw a way to honor healthcare workers who risked their lives every day because of professional caregiving obligations.

The Telegraph caught wind of his latest generous act when he stopped by Little Sisters of the Poor nursing home and passed out $100 bills to all the employees — $12,000 total!  They interviewed the mysterious Secret Santa who stated, “When it’s freely given, it is in fact unconditional love.”

The healthcare workers were grateful to receive the money, as a thank you for the work they do and the sacrifices they made. Secret Santa is hoping his generosity becomes a symbol of how the U.S. can heal as a whole. “Kindness is what unites America,” he said. “And kindness is the bridge between all people. It’s the common language.”

According to The Telegraph, “Secret Santa will be giving away about $100,000 this year to frontline and essential workers as a way of saying ‘thank you’ for everything they’ve done for our country in this unprecedented year.”

You can read the entire article from The Telegraph here, and to watch a video about the story from KMBC news, click here.

Sharing with those less fortunate is a wonderful way to show care and compassion for people in your community. We, at Sheltering Grace, welcome donations for the homeless mothers and babies we serve. Please contact us at 678-337-7858 to learn how you can help. Each mother and baby will be truly grateful for your kindness.


Sheltering Grace Ministry, Ltd. is a 501(c)3 Ltd. non-profit ministry. We resolve the initial crisis of homelessness by providing mothers with a safe place to live during pregnancy. We also equip them with the tools they need to improve decision-making, enhance employment options, and increase family income to act responsibly as the head of their household. All of our services develop their self-reliance to progress to permanent independent living. Please join us in renewing and rebuilding the lives of these brave women – #Be1of5000.

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SGM Ladies Day Out!

Saturday, November 4th

Piedmont Church
Marietta, GA


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