A Place to Call Home

“Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.” – Kathy Calvin

For many American veterans, finding permanent, supportive housing can feel like an unattainable dream. Community Solutions, a nonprofit based in Nashville, TN aims to make this a reality.

Not only will this program provide a safe space for unsheltered veterans to call their own, Jaha Martin (a social worker at the Tennessee Valley Healthcare System) says that it will save lives:

“What we have learned through housing is that it does prolong someone’s life. It gives them a chance to recover in ways they are just not able to do,” said Martin.

To achieve their goal, the nonprofit will use Glastonbury Woods Apartments to house the veterans, with support staff included. Currently, it is estimated that 173 veterans live in Nashville according to the Metro Homeless Impact Division (MHID).

Advocate Dede Byrd exclaims that she is excited about this project and even hopes that Mayor John Cooper’s $50 million investment focuses on 24/7 support services.

One spokesperson from MHID even said: “We are most excited about this new program. This is how you address and reduce homelessness, by developing programs that respond to the specific and acute needs of those who live an unhoused experience. We especially appreciate this program because it supports those who dedicated their lives to our great country.”

To learn more about what Community Solutions is doing to improve the lives of veterans experiencing homelessness in Tennessee, please click here.

At Sheltering Grace, we realize the importance of doing something for others without expecting anything in return. Our great team of like-minded people is passionate about helping homeless mothers and babies end their devastating cycle of homelessness. Please contact us at 678-337-7858 to learn how you can help. Your one act of kindness can make all the difference to mothers and babies in need.


Sheltering Grace Ministry, Ltd. is a 501(c)3 Ltd. non-profit ministry. We resolve the initial crisis of homelessness by providing mothers with a safe place to live during pregnancy. We also equip them with the tools they need to improve decision-making, enhance employment options, and increase family income to act responsibly as the head of their household. All of our services develop their self-reliance to progress to permanent independent living. Please join us in renewing and rebuilding the lives of these brave women – #Be1of5000

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SGM Ladies Day Out!

Saturday, November 4th

Piedmont Church
Marietta, GA


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