Women’s Voices Impacting Homelessness Policies in Atlanta

Homelessness is a growing problem that affects many communities throughout the country, including Atlanta, Georgia. Many women have become important advocates for change, making a difference in how policies on homelessness are created.


It’s important for everyone’s voices to be heard when making policies on homelessness. Women who experience homelessness have often been ignored in the past. But now, female advocates are making sure their voices are listened to.

By sharing their experiences, these women are helping create policies that address the unique challenges faced by homeless people.

Cathryn Vassell, a member of the Georgia Bar, is someone who has worked for many years on behalf of the homeless; even living onsite in a homeless shelter for a time while serving as program director there.


Women advocates in Atlanta are using different ways to raise awareness about homelessness and push for policy changes. They share their stories, organize rallies, and talk to policymakers. By doing this, they are bringing attention to the problems that lead to homelessness. They are also calling for more affordable housing, better healthcare, and support services for homeless women.

One such woman is Ann Cone – a loan originator who has worked hard to promote affordable housing in Atlanta.  Throughout her career, she has helped to raise awareness on the complexity of homelessness and the need for intervention.

Policy Recommendations

Female advocates are influencing the policies that are made to help homeless people in Atlanta. They are doing research, having discussions, and making recommendations. They believe in approaches that prioritize housing and take care of the trauma that homeless people may have experienced, along with providing services that meet their specific needs. By making these recommendations, they want to make sure that policies address the real causes of homelessness.

As chairman of the Atlanta Youth Action Board, Kellie Bryson has worked to advise the city on the best practices to help youth who have experienced homelessness.  She has also helped to provide such youth with opportunities to also advocate for change.


Working together and partnering with others is important to make lasting changes to address homelessness. Women advocates in Atlanta are joining forces with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and community leaders. By working together, they can share resources, knowledge, and expertise. This helps create better plans that provide long-term solutions for homeless women.

Monalisa Chowdhury, who is the Head of Financial Reporting & Business Unit Controllership at Voya Financial, is one such advocate of collaboration.  As she stated, “COVID-19…exacerbated the homelessness and hunger challenges our community [was] already…struggling with. It is more important than ever for all of us to come together to support our community now.”

Challenging Stereotypes

Another important aspect of women’s advocacy is challenging the stereotypes people have about homelessness. Homeless individuals often face unfair judgment and wrong ideas.

Women advocates in Atlanta are educating people, raising awareness, and sharing personal stories. By doing this, they want to show that homeless women are human beings with unique stories and challenges. This helps break down stereotypes and gain more public support for policies that treat homeless people with kindness and understanding.

Elizabeth Hearn has sought to break down such stereotypes by creating and leading an innovative program for Paideia Junior High School where students were able to spend one week living on the streets, experiencing homelessness firsthand.  Later they shared their experiences with elementary-aged students, who then shared their feelings in letters to their community leaders.


Women advocates are making a big difference in shaping homelessness policies in Atlanta, Georgia. Through representation, advocacy, policy recommendations, collaboration/partnerships, and challenging stereotypes, they are creating positive change. They are making sure the needs of homeless individuals are addressed and that policies are fair and inclusive.

By recognizing and supporting women’s voices regarding homelessness, the City of Atlanta is working towards better solutions that show compassion and lead to a brighter future for everyone.

If you would like to join the movement in combating homelessness, consider partnering with Sheltering Grace Ministry.  Help them #breakthecycle that leads to homelessness and make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Join us for
SGM Ladies Day Out!

Saturday, November 4th

Piedmont Church
Marietta, GA


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