SGM Programs for Homeless Pregnant Women and Infants

Will you #Be1of5000 Partners to help us help homeless pregnant women and infants?

Serving Homeless Pregnant Women in Crisis

Many of the women that we serve through the ministry join us because of a variety of personal issues. While some come simply as a result of circumstance and may be with us for only a short time, there are others who are in much more dire situations for which we have developed programs to meet their needs. Participants attend programs that progressively help them understand their circumstances, why they are where they are in life, take ownership of them and build lives that goes far beyond their circumstances. A key distinction in our program is the three-tiered approach that recognizes the unique physical, emotional and financial hardships involved in being pregnant and homeless.

Breaking the Cycle

Through partnership with other organizations, we are able to provide participants with resume writing, job skills development, education and other life skills with the goal of breaking the cycle of homelessness. We have learned that by helping the women to understand their situation, why they are there and what they can do about it, they have a greater likelihood of breaking the cycle of decisions and patterns that caused them to reach out to us in the first place.

Sheltering Grace Ministry has helped many women since opening its doors. We are the only program in Cobb County, Georgia with the primary focus of serving pregnant homeless women over the age of 21. Our program not only strives to relieve a crisis situation, but also to make a fundamental change in a woman’s life and future.

Entrance into program until two weeks before delivery

Phase 1: Womanhood

Participants receive the following services during the Womanhood Phase:
  • Housing, personal, and household supplies
  • Assessment to determine barriers to attaining stable housing and employment
  • Pregnancy and labor education and support
  • Weekly counseling
  • Education in the form of financial, employment, and life skills workshops
  • Referrals to community partners to address barriers, such as GED preparation, TANF program, and housing agencies
  • Assistance in developing a one, three, and five-year Strategic Life Plan
Anticipated Outcomes:
  • Safe housing and delivery of her new baby.
  • A Life Plan developed to secure stable housing, employment, training and improved future economic status for the family.
  • A plan for the participant to receive the tools to begin taking steps toward her short and long term goals.

Entrance until 6 weeks after baby is born

Phase 2: Motherhood

Participants receive the following services during the Womanhood Phase:
  • Housing, personal, and household supplies
  • Assessment to determine barriers to attaining stable housing and employment
  • Pregnancy and labor education and support
  • Weekly counseling
  • Education in the form of financial, employment, and life skills workshops
  • Referrals to community partners to address barriers, such as GED preparation, TANF program, and housing agencies
  • Assistance in developing a one, three, and five-year Strategic Life Plan
Anticipated Outcomes:
  • Safe housing and delivery of her new baby.
  • A Life Plan developed to secure stable housing, employment, training and improved future economic status for the family.
  • A plan for the participant to receive the tools to begin taking steps toward her short and long term goals.

9th until the 24th week after delivery

Phase 3: Head of Household

At nine weeks postpartum, new moms are evaluated to determine their eligibility for continuing in the Head of Household phase of the program. Participation in this phase requires the participant to reaffirm her commitment to working through the Head of Household Phase and the recommendations of the Sheltering Grace staff.
Participants receive the following services during the Head of Household phase:
  • Parenting workshops
  • Continuing life skills workshops and employment support services
  • Goal setting with case manager
  • Bible study provided weekly
  • When employed, clients begin saving toward housing
  • Continued access to items needed for her new baby, such as diapers, clothing, cribs and car seats
Anticipated Outcomes:
  • Mother continues to grow and care for her new infant
  • Locate quality child care
  • Employment is secured or continued and saving plan is continued
  • Participant begins applying life skills and moving into the role of head of household
  • Long-term goals set and worked towards
  • Participant continues to meet milestones and goals of her Strategic Life Plan